
The glasses

17, Jan, 2024 | Blog

A heroic Greek woman or a fiery Italian?
The exact history of the origin of spectacles is still not clear. However, there are a few theories and clues to their development.
One possible theory is that spectacles originated in Italy in the 13th century. According to tradition, the monk Alessandro della Spina is said to have produced spectacles for the first time in the 13th century. According to this theory, spectacles were made from two hinged lenses or glasses that were placed on the nose. The main purpose of spectacles at the time was to improve visual acuity in the case of presbyopia.
Another theory is that spectacles originated in ancient Rome or Greece. It is assumed that the first attempts to improve vision with the help of glasses were made as early as 100 AD. These early spectacles consisted of glass or semi-precious stone lenses that were held in front of the eyes. Beryl was often used, from which the name 'spectacles' is said to derive.
There are also several myths surrounding the origin of spectacles.
Eine dieser Legenden besagt, dass ein italienischer Mönch namens Salvino D’Armate im 13. Jahrhundert nahezu erblindete und verzweifelt eine Lösung suchte. Er soll dann auf die Idee gekommen sein, zwei Brillengläser mit einem Gestell zu verbinden und sie vor seinen Augen zu tragen. Diese Erfindung verhalf ihm angeblich zur Heilung seiner Blindheit.
Another legend has it that the Dutchman Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek invented spectacles in the 17th century. He is said to have cut the first lenses that improved visual acuity.
Regardless of the exact circumstances of their creation, spectacles have undergone remarkable development over the centuries and have now become an indispensable part of most people's everyday lives.

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