Unser Wappen-Tier

Our heraldic animal

In den Tiefen des Ozeans lebt ein mystisches Wesen, eine mystische wie schlaue Erscheinung mit 8 Armen und einem großen Kopf wie ihn auch jeder Augenoptiker braucht – gerade wenn er ein Brillenbauer ist. Der Oktopus, der Geheimnisse birgt, seine Fähigkeiten sind...
Die Brille

The glasses

A heroic Greek woman or a fiery Italian woman? the exact history of the origin of spectacles is still not clear. However, there are some theories and clues to their development. One possible theory is that spectacles were invented in the 13th century in...
Das vegane Produkt

The vegan product

We believe that only a sustainably produced product can meet our requirements. The most important aspect is that the product is vegan, in a proven supply chain, that it is free from animal ingredients and therefore contributes to the reduction of the...


The use of existing raw materials, e.g. from overproduction, the avoidance of waste, the repair of broken things (as far as possible) instead of buying new ones and the recyclability of our products. These are all things that we consider to be part of a sustainable lifestyle...
Unser Nautischer Stern

Our nautical star

Our nautical star: It serves as a navigational aid for sailors and is used to determine the north geographic pole. The North Star is aimed at the horizon in order to determine the course direction or the exact location of the ship. It points...